This past weekend, Penny and I spent some hours together, mostly getting pedicures. At one point, I leaned over to her and pointed to my toes. “This color reminds me of Seattle.”
I’m partial to turquoise polish colors and every time I wear one, I’m reminded of Seattle. Toward the end of our seven days in that city, Penny and I decided to find a local place and get pedicures. It was October and (no shock) raining. I want to say it was freezing, but I will admit that it was only the type of freezing that might’ve been freezing to my Floridian senses. We shivered in our flip flops all the way back to the hotel, our freshly painted toes nearly ice. We laughed so much and turquoise nail polish reminds me of that.
Penny recently chopped off 14 inches of her hair, and this was the first time I’d seen it in person. She looked flippin’ adorable. I’ve been threatening to cut my hair off to above my shoulder lengths for some time now too. The last time it was this short was in 2009 and one could almost say that it was at the front end of a series of very questionable decisions in my life.
Still, here comes the nostalgia: standing in Roxanne’s room, looking in one of her mirrors as we all put the finishing touches on our looks for the night. I played with my freshly cut hair, frustrated by it’s lack of cooperation. “Guys, do I look like Tootie from The Facts of Life?” Roxanne peeked her head out of the bathroom and Penny turned around and without missing a beat they both replied, “yep.” We laughed so much and cutting my hair short reminds me of that.
It reminds me of other things, too. Things not so attached to laughter. The only point in all of this is that I cut my hair and it reminded me of the last time it was this short. That short haired girl was naive and desperate to get rid of that particular trait. That short haired girl was putting her trust in people who didn’t deserve it. That short haired girl was between jobs and deep in debt and lost in life. That short haired girl had her heart broken.
That short haired girl promised never to cut her hair so short again.
That short haired girl, I think, would be proud of this one.
(I was just going to tell you about my haircut. I don’t know how it became a full blown post with feelings. #bloggerproblems.)