Hello friends! My name is Marines, pronounced mah-ree-NESS (with a Spanish rolling r) and not like the U.S. Marines. (My mother says she didn’t know that was a thing…) I’m a Dominican-American 30-something who loves the beach but cannot swim. I’m a communications professional who has equal experience in corporate communications (by way of Human Resources) and creative endeavors that revolve around a deep and abiding love of media. By day, I’m a Talent + Culture Manager and by night, I do all of the following:
– Run SnarkSquad.com, a entertainment recap and review website.
– Read a lot. Like, a whole lot.
– Make TikTok videos and receive daily reminders of my own mortality while on that app.
– Make videos for a YouTube channel where I talk about what I read and watch.
– There was a line in here about travel which I will add back in if we ever get out of this pandemic.
– Go on video game binges where I only come up occasionally for air.
– Indulge in trashy chocolates of the finest kind.
My main life goals are to never take life too seriously, but to do everything I attempt seriously well. After that, my life goals devolve into not wearing real pants as much as possible and eating all of the Zebra Cakes in the world. I have three nieces and a nephew who own my heart.
If you are into any of this, I’m an INTP, a 5w4, Virgo Sun, Capricorn Moon and Scorpio Rising, and a [REDACTED THANKS TO SHE WHO WILL NOT BE NAMED].